PinnedPublished inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfCognitive Dissonance or Just a Coincidence?How I rescued myself from feeling left out during a family tragedy.Mar 27, 20226Mar 27, 20226
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal Thyself5am Club, Discounted Entry on November 5, 2023A once a year opportunity to easily switch daily routine for a more fulfilling life.Oct 30, 20232Oct 30, 20232
Published inILLUMINATIONAm I Gullible Enough to be Convinced to Buy An Abandoned Mediterranean Farm?Watch repair videos led me to buy three watches. Now YouTube has me hooked on vineyard repair.Apr 28, 2023Apr 28, 2023
Help Me Understand Why This Post is Going ‘Viral’My views are up and I don’t know why.Mar 4, 20231Mar 4, 20231
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfFinding Comfort in Fear, Creating Fearful Situations that Make ChaosListen, all y’all, it’s a sabotage.Jan 12, 20232Jan 12, 20232
Published inUnpopular OpinionsIs This Why They Actually Call it a Stress Blanket?I think it’s having the opposite of the intended effect.Dec 1, 20221Dec 1, 20221
Published inUnpopular OpinionsYouTube Has Me Admiring Wrist Watches I Don’t Need and Now I Want One So BadOnce again I find myself a victim of the algorithm.Jun 8, 20222Jun 8, 20222
Published inILLUMINATIONI’m Afraid I May Have Fallen Victim To An Online Phishing ScamI thought I was smarter than this.May 30, 20222May 30, 20222
Published inKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfWords of Wisdom to My Twenty-Six Year Old Self on my Forty-Eighth BirthdayStart being more selfish.May 26, 20222May 26, 20222
Published inSYNERGYWhy I’ve Chosen to Start Writing by a Pseudo-Nom de Plume.It’s time to finally do it.May 2, 20223May 2, 20223